Our logo has been redesigned to focus on the elements in our previous design that best represent our mission and vision and to simplify the overall design to work well in today’s digital media landscape.

Primary Logo
The primary logo is designed to provide optimum visibility of the mark and name.
This layout should work well for the majority of
opportunities and is considered our standard logo.

Vertical Logo
This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information.

Banner Logo
This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information.

Full Color Format
The primary logo is designed to provide optimum visibility of the mark and name.
This layout should work well for the majority of
opportunities and is considered our standard logo.

Black Format
This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information.

White (Knock-Out) Format
This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information.

Office Identification Treatment
Use the “P” in Peace Corps to determine the placement and
font size (half of “P”). The office name treatment should appear
in Gotham or Arial Regular type- faces (not bold) in Title Case

Country Identification Treatment
Use the “P” in Peace Corps to determine the placement and font size (half of “P”). The country name treatment should
appear in Gotham or Arial Regular type-faces (not bold) and in all caps as shown above. Follow the same guides for
translations and non-English languages.