Not Knowing Your Target Audience
As is the case with marketing campaigns, you should take the time to get to know your target audience before creating your logo. Who are they? What are their interests and concerns? What media do they consult? You want to create a logo that will be attractive to your customers, don't you? By doing the research, you will be able to know what they like and therefore choose the right font. For example, if you want to design a logo for an accounting firm and want credibility, you may need to find a more serious looking font like Cinzel, Exo or Fjalla.
Not Knowing the Message that You Want Your Logo to Convey
Ask yourself what message you want your logo to convey. We need to see your company's values in the blink of an eye. So, you have to choose a font that works with your company, products, interests and values. If you had to describe your project in three words, what would they be and why? Keep these adjectives in mind when you're looking for the perfect font for your logo. For example, if you chose words as young, open and different, you could opt for fonts like Bangers, Fascinate or Kavoon to stand out.
Not Taking the Time to Try Multiple Fonts
If you don't know where to start, why not just take the time to try different fonts to see their effect? Be in exploration mode and keep an open mind. You never know when you're going to fall in love with that font that will represent your business well. Visit the editor of FreeLogoDesign and have fun. There are nearly 200 different fonts that you can try for free. We suggest you try various combinations including your font in lowercase and uppercase case until you like what you see.
Choosing an Overused Font
One of the most common mistakes when choosing the perfect font for your logo is choosing an overused one and not daring to try something different. The most commonly used fonts are Impact, Trajan, Arial, Franklin Gothic and Helvetica. They have been used too much in the last few years and are no longer original at all. Furthermore, it is not advisable to use a font that is quite similar or associated with the logo of a well-known company, for example Bebas Neue for Netflix and Segoe for Microsoft. You shouldn’t copy what already exists if you want your company logo to stand out.
Using Too Many Fonts
Do you know any companies that have more than one font with their logo? Yes, there are a few like Subway or Audi when you consider the different versions of their slogans. Now, can you think of other professional logos that use more than 2 fonts? Probably not. If you want a harmonious result for your logo, it is advisable to use as few fonts as possible. Most of the time, companies choose a primary font that they use everywhere. This helps maintain a consistent brand image. However, it is possible to use a second font for your slogan. The important thing is that the end result is well balanced.
Choosing an Unreadable Font
If one seeks to stand out, one may be tempted by a more extravagant font. There aren’t any problems with that, we even recommended daring to try different fonts that are a little more than what you should not choose. That said, it is imperative that your font be readable. Your potential customers should be able to read the name of your company with the chosen font, this is the basis. If they can't read what's written, they won't remember you. If necessary, play with the spacing between letters or words and have your choice validated by your friends.
Choosing a Font that Doesn’t Adapt Well
When you create a logo, it's undoubtedly going to be used everywhere: on the web, your social media, as a header, on print, etc. It may be necessary to adjust your logo to different versions so that it can meet all your needs. As the mediums can be very different, it is necessary to keep in mind a font that will be as good-looking on the web as on print. Generally, serif fonts are mainly used on print. If you know that your logo will be mainly used for print (books or on paper) it might be worth choosing this type of font. If you think you'll use your logo mostly on the web, sans serif fonts are easier to read on computer screens. Additionally, most web giants currently use a sans serif logo.
In conclusion, we recommend you take the time to find the perfect font for your logo. It's an element that's as important as colors. Ask yourself what you want your logo to convey as a message, and then try different options.